IFG News
Editorial design
Art direction και σχεδιασμός εντύπου για την ετήσια έκδοση IFG news (Interiors From Greece), που παρουσιάστηκε από τη Fish Communications στις διεθνείς εκθέσεις MADE expo (Μιλάνο) και May Design Series (Λονδίνο).
Art direction and cover design: Apostolos D. Tsiovaras
Layout: Victor Goundaras
Art direction and editorial design for the yearly edition IFG news (Interiors From Greece), presented during the season 2015-2016 by Fish Communications at the international fairs MADE expo (Milan) and May Design Series (London).
Art direction and cover design: Apostolos D. Tsiovaras
Layout: Victor Goundaras